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9/11 - Video Fakery Psyop

There are thousands of video's and photographs from the events of September 11th 2001. I want to point out the obvious lies that are still being spread by people on the internet about these pieces of evidence. It's been 16 years and many so called 'researchers' still claim that everything about 9/11 was fake, including footage of airplanes, witness testimony, smoke clouds, passengers, and even the jumpers have been called fake numerous times. 

This was an exchange between an eyewitness from 9/11 & the self proclaimed Concerned Grandpa  This "Independent Truther" has been attacking researchers & witnesses online.

The story is:

"It was all CGI, or video trickery and multiple missiles created the plane shaped hole. None of the thousands of people in New York, Washington, or Shanksville filmed the missiles or even noticed them for that matter, in fact they we're all so confused they thought it was an airplane, and reported it as such. Either that or they were all silenced by the Men In Black who work for media. Meanwhile the footage was being confiscated and prepared to show the public, while broadcasting live." 

More witness attacks:

It's ridiculous to me, that people would even consider this as a possibility, however this theory has gained traction over the last 10 years and many films have been produced based on this ongoing dis-information campaign, and disgusting lie.

 Some of these have even gained a mainstream platform on sites like Amazon. Hypocrites anyone?
They're also being promoted and sold by alternative media & researchers all over the internet...

The people who created these films have been shown evidence that essentially disproves the lie they are spreading. I call it a lie because, had it been a mistake, then it would have been corrected. Many of the creators won't address the evidence and continue to make video's promoting this idea of 'video fakery' (with exception of a few) they seem to be purposefully misleading people away from the truth rather than actually exposing anything of value. And there films are still getting thousands of views and re-uploaded by useful idiots on YouTube. The latest promoter is 'The Concerned Grandpa'.

Not only is he promoting a lie that has been disproven time and time again on Mark Conlons Blog by Conspiracy Cuber on YouTube on Andrew Johnson's website Check The Evidence & by Richard D. Hall in his orig. Flight 175 - 3D Radar Analysis updated in 2016 and available online...

30 mins.

...but he is also asking people for money. He requires thousands of dollars to be donated to him so he can strap a Boeing airplane wing to a rocket sled and try to cut a steel beam. This will cost $100,000 according to him. He has been very active about this online in the last few years, and he has been shown this analysis, that essentially rules out 'video fakery' as the only explanation on 9/11.
He ignored this evidence and continues to promote the theory of 'fake videos' on 9/11.  He has also been attacking people for not investing in him.  His video was also updated in 2016. See below.

5 mins.

At first I thought this experiment was a great idea. I thought it would help to prove that aluminum airplanes cannot cut through steel beams. However the only proof we need of this is Newtons Laws of Motion  Regardless, I thought: "Great, now we can show the world the truth."

I checked out his website and was even more intrigued by the reason "Why" he was doing this:

I thought: "Wow, this guy is awesome, that's basically the same reason I'am doing this"
... but how would this experiment accomplish all that?

Then I realized "The Concerned Grandpa" in charge of this '911 crash test' was Steve De'ak. I'd heard that name very recently while doing some research on the 'airplanes' for my documentary. It turns out that he has retracted many of his statements regarding fakery, however began to attack the people who pointed this information out to him. First was this article from Mark Conlon's Blog.

In this video Mark shows how the claims being made are completely false and have been proven to be incorrect in the past, yet here is Steve De'ak talking about it on a radio show.

10 mins.

Mr. De'ak had months to respond to some of these points...

Mark Conlon was recently featured on richplanetTV in a 3 part program with Richard D. Hall and Andrew Johnson entitled: Layers of Deception - exposing some of the falsehoods being told about the 9/11 video footage. This was released on September 8th 2017. Just a few days later on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Mark got his YouTube account deleted for multiple strikes within minutes on a video relating to this very same subject.

Here is the richplanetTV program
Part one: 18 mins.

Then (all of sudden) Steve De'ak posted a series of articles responding to him on his website and public facebook groups, which included childish name calling.


Then it made a little more since. The radio show De'ak was on is that of Jim Fetzer, who has been a sort-of manager of dis-information since the rumors started. He has also been given a platform by the mainstream media. (The media that he blames for 'faking' all the video's & photographs on 9/11) Jim Fetzer also has seriously questionable conflicts of interest when it comes to the truth community.

Fetzer promoted Ace Baker on his show who created '9/11: The Great American Psy-opera' which (as mentioned above) is full of lies about compositing airplanes. Which has been dis-proven many times.

Here is one example of Ace's lies, notice how convincing he is though.

Here is a video completely disproving the luma key theory.

2 mins.

Ace Baker made many claims and they have all been disproven.

30 mins.

Ace Baker also tried to sabotage the work of Dr. Judy Wood, after first showing his support for her and then faking some video's in an attempt to discredit the video evidence of John Hutchinson.

Jim Fetzer teamed up with Ace Baker to help with the attack on John and try to discredit The Hutchinson Effect which has been studied by the military for years with funding from Los Alamos.
For more information on this please visit:

In addition to this, after Ace Baker was proven wrong about fake videos, instead of showing humility and correcting the mistakes, he claimed to be too overwhelmed from 9/11 research and then he faked his own suicide. Something I can only describe as another psychological operation and this very strange stunt was pulled off on Jim Fetzers radio show. With Fetzer playing along the entire time.

2 mins.

Later Ace Baker claimed this was "Performance Art" but he then left the 9/11 research community and his films and theories are still making there way onto internet forums & youtube videos. Another point to make: is the production quality of his films. They are amazing. He definitely had quite a bit of funding which begs the question, why? This email exchange may shed some light on the reason.

Obviously not his real name, but there are many more strange things you can find out about Ace Baker, his background and associations are quite telling considering his 9/11 research. Please visit:
Or see this video below:

7 mins.

Back to the latest promoter of this dis-information. The concerned grandpa has recently been featured on Jim Fezters radio show promoting his bogus theory and asking for $$$ for his crash test. I believe he is upset because he hasn't quite been able to raise all the funds he needs for the project.

It has become extremely clear to me that his goal is to waste peoples time and money. All while spreading lies, dis-info and attacking people online, like some high school troll who just got access to the internet for the first time. This is not the way I would expect a concerned grandpa to act.

Another promoter of the "Video Fakery" theory is the character named: Simon Shack - The creator of the September Clues film (another dis-information piece) as mentioned above this amateur excuse of a documentary has been talked about all over the internet as proof of fake videos on 9/11. One common behavior I've noticed with these people is: even though they are all promoting the same lie, none of them get along with each other. Steve De'ak, Simon Shack, Ace Baker, and a few others I will mention later. They all fight back and forth with each other but promote the exact same bullshit theory about video's being fake on 9/11, "but not the way this guy says it was done, he's an op"
blah blah blah... Over 10 years we have been seeing these people and their fabricated stories.

Simon Shack exposed: 

There are many other people who have spread this lie over the last decade. Here are some of them.

Simon Shack and some of the other names aren't really as active online anymore, not in the way the Concerned Grandpa has become recently. In fact a couple of these people have passed away and for all we know they may have changed their views at some point, however anyone else still promoting this lie is either ignorant or hired.

Curiously enough, right after the release time of the richplanetTV program featuring Mark Conlon & Andrew Johnson, and after the timing of Marks YT channel getting deleted, it seems Andrew was also contacted by someone about this subject. Quite a nasty character actually.

You can see the details of that very interesting exchange at:

I have been trying to work with many of these researchers to make a film about the 9/11 cover up.
In the process of doing this, I've realized some people really want to find the truth and are willing to work with people regardless of financial circumstances or personal feelings, because the truth about 9/11 is much more important to these people. 

Then there are those who refuse to collaborate with other researchers unless they agree with their theory 100% which seems strange coming someone saying: "It's for the sake of peace and prosperity" if that were true you may want to look at additional evidence and consider the alternative possibilities, since none of us really know exactly what happened that day. We were ALL fooled, how could any one us claim to have all the answers? We can't. But Steve demands you tell him! Now!

It seems most of his so called evidence is just re-hashed claims from others mainly the web fairy

Many people on YouTube continue to promote lies and spread dis-information.
A good example that has been disproven many times but is still talked about:

the Michael Hezerkhani footage

Note: many people have said this location doesn't exist, the smoke freezes, background buildings are missing, and many other lies.

See an in depth analysis on this here:

25 mins.

Now Grandpa decided to post yet another article attacking Mark Conlon. This time he is flat out lying about him and continuing to ignore evidence while cherry picking which media reports are true / false

Full article is here:

The lies in his article have been exposed.

I appreciate everyone who took the time to read this...
Thank you to all of those people who are out there still trying to expose the REAL truth about 9/11.
Feel free to comment or email me if I have made a mistake.

Please visit my website and support my work. Thank you.

- Wolf Clan Media


  1. Thank you for taking the time to document what has been happening and the lies which are being promulgated by those who wish to "cover-up" the evidence by promoting "falsehoods" in the process. Thanks also for highlighting the attacks against me, and highlighting how this person isn't talking about my research analysis.


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